An advisor training program for living a balanced life, building an ideal business, and serving ideal clients.

MM1 Collective is a combination of on-demand online learning, live web classes, and in-person training for financial advisors. We show advisors how to grow their practice in today’s modern age, while helping clients, and having fun at the same time.
“I went from ZERO to building a $170 million RIA. Over the last three years I’ve averaged roughly between $25 and $30 million of new AUM each year.”
“We went from ZERO to $50 million in AUM in less than 2.5 years.”
“MM1 helped me get in front of more qualified prospects…We’ve seen our assets grow to $125 million dollars in assets.”
“I nearly quadrupled my business in one year... going from $4.5 million to $14 million in new business.”